Archaeological Survey recovers 40 original stones of Kedarnath temple. Deccan Herald

Ancient treasure chest under threat. IOL

Prehistoric Civilization Discovered in Jackson County. WSILTV

Mine's Aboriginal 'rock art' found to be authentic. ABC

King Richard III’s Entire 3D Printed Skeleton Unveiled For Museum Opening. 3DPrint

Rare runic inscription discovered in old church grounds. Past Horizons

Stone artefacts from 700,000 year old South African site. Past Horizons

3-D image of Paleolithic child's skull reveals trauma, brain damage. Eurekalert

Ancient naval ram found in Phanagoria reveals history of popular unrest in 63 B.C. Popular Archaeoloy

Egyptian Carving Defaced by King Tut's Possible Father Discovered. Live Science

Archaeologists discover ancient astronomy lab in northern Peru. Peru this Week

Archaeologists discovered lost medieval town in Wielkopolska. PAP

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