Smallpox, once thought an ancient disease, may have emerged in more recent times. Eurekalert

Secrets of the paleo diet: Discovery reveals plant-based menu of prehistoric man. Eurekalert

River polluted with copper in Late Neolithic Jordan. Past Horizons

Mummified legs may belong to Egyptian Queen Nefertari. Past Horizons

Restoring the Glory. Popular Archaeology

Archaeologists find huge amounts of lithic products in East Are’Are. Solomon Star

30,000-year-old relics discovered in Pakistan. Indiatoday

Development of new techniques makes it possible to date Australian Aboriginal rock art. Ansto

New Evidence Reveals Violent Final Days at Arizona’s Montezuma Castle. Western Digs

Neolithic Syrians were first to domesticate cereals. Eurekalert

Mysteries of deserted pre-Famine village on Achill Island revealed. Irish Central

Mazowieckie/ More than 70 bloomeries from 2 thousand years ago discovered in Kanie. PAP

Burnt down Iron Age house discovered in Denmark. Science Nordic

Fires set by Ice Age hunters destroyed forests throughout Europe. Science Daily

'God of wind': Pre-Columbian temple discovered in Mexico City. DW

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