
Showing posts from April, 2016
Building on shells: Study starts unraveling mysteries of Calusa kingdom . Eurekalert Underwater archaeology looks at atomic relic of the Cold War . Eurekalert Plight of Japan’s archeologists as ancient tombs deteriorate . The Asahi Shimbun 4800-Year Old Mummy of ‘Mother Holding Infant’ Unearthed . Australia Network Neandertals and Upper Paleolithic Homo sapiens had different dietary strategies . Popular Archaeology Over 2000-year old geoglyph found in Nazca desert . Andina Water storage made prehistoric settlement expansion possible in Amazonia . Popular Archaeology Rare 600kg haul of ancient Romain coins found in Spain . Buddhist Sculptures Discovered in Ruins of Ancient Shrine . Live Science Historic flint axes found in Denmark . CPH Post Rare statue could help unearth secrets of Long Melford’s Roman past . East Anglian Ancient mosaic featuring 'cheerful' skeleton found in Turkey . Physorg Jerusalem Dig Uncovers Ancient Greek Citadel . Nat
Modern DNA reveals ancient male population explosions linked to migration and technology . Eurekalert High alpine dairying may have begun over 3000 years ago . Eurekalert Royal 17th century wardrobe found in the Wadden Sea . Popular Archaeology A rare amulet more than 3,200 years old bearing the name of the Egyptian ruler Thutmose III, Pharaoh of the Eighteenth Dynasty (who reigned from 1479 – 1425 BC) has been discovered at the Temple Mount Sifting Project located in Jerusalem’s Tzurim Valley National Park within earth discarded from the Temple Mount . Heritage Daily Arkansas archaeologists believe they may have found the remains of Spanish conquistador's Christian cross erected in 1541 in Native American village . Mail Online Etruscan stone could help unravel enigma of one of Italy's first civilizations . Reuters Amid Celebrations of the Exodus, Birdwatcher Discovers 3,700-Year-Old Egyptian Scarab . Breaking Israel News Rare Roman statue
Vladimir is thrilled by the Sungarian man . Eurekalert Headdress reconstruction throws light on hunter-gatherer rituals . Eurekalert Iraq Is Turning Saddam Hussein’s Palace Into a Museum . National Geographic Reconstructing the history of Chauvet-Pont d’Arc cave . Popular Archaeology Sonar May Have Turned Up a Long-Lost Civil War Ship, the Agnes E. Fry . Wired Fire reveals archaeological sites hundreds of years old . Brown County Democrat Relics of ancient six-millennia-old village uncovered . Mehr News agency Archeologists find ancient mummy approximately 1,500 years old in Mongolia . The Siberian Times Roman Imperial leaders had wine empire away from the battlefield, study suggests. Physorg 'Unexpected' archaeological finds unearthed on Salisbury Plain . Salisbury Journal Ancient Mass Graves Discovered in Greece . Discrovry News Archaeologists study tools made by Sungarian man . Physorg Sophisticated engineering scanning tech helps archaeologists i
172 year old Saiwan boundary marker stone found! Eurekalert Neanderthals may have been infected by diseases carried out of Africa by humans. Eurekalert Fire reveals archaeological sites hundreds of years old . NBC Montana What really happened on Easter Island? Eurekalert Rare chess piece found in back yard of museum. The Oxford Times Llangwm archaeological dig to unearth Flemish past . BBC Bulgarian PM Unveils Archaeological Site with Museum Near Sredets . Novinite Bullet Links Lawrence of Arabia to Famous Ambush . Discovery News Archaeologists unearth more of Qatar’s past with new Fuwairit dig . Doha News Drowning history: Sea level rise threatens U.S. historic sites . CTV News
Smashed skulls suggest large European battle 3,200 years ago - and a more advanced society. The Washington Post Traces of ancient humans found in Vietnam's biggest archaeological discovery. Thanhnien News 2000-year-old temple found underwater off Indian coast . Digital Journal Curse Tablets Discovered in 2,400-Year-Old Grave . Live Science   Ancient Southwest marked by repeated periods of boom and bust . Eurekaler Queen’s University Microbiologists Unmask the Hannibal Route Enigma . Queens's University Belf The dark side of religion: how ritual human sacrifice helped create unequal societies . The University of Auckland Peru archaeological pieces to be repatriated from Chile. Peru this Week
Nepali textile find suggests Silk Road extended further south than previously thought . Eurekalert Indonesian 'Hobbits' may have died out sooner than thought . Eurekalert View From Space Hints at a New Viking Site in North America . The New-York Times Photos: Watch the ‘Shadow Dagger’ Solar Calendar Mark the Equinox. Western Digs Ancient Assyrians buried their dead with turtles . Science News Ancient Non-Stick Pan Factory Found in Italy. Discovery News Archaeological finds enrich understanding of pre-Columbian Chile . Vida Latina Archaeologists uncover monumental prehistoric structure on island of Menorca . Popular Archaeology Text in lost language may reveal god or goddess worshipped by Etruscans at ancient temple . Popular Archaeology 3,400-Year-Old Necropolis Found in Egypt . Discovery News Emperor Hadrian's Villa Yields Posh, Arty Apartment . Live Science Rare religious stele found at ancient Etruscan temple site in Italy . Past Horizons