Archaeological genetics: It's not all as old as it at first seems. Eurekalert

The Mammoth’s Lament: UC Research Shows How Cosmic Impact Sparked Devastating Climate Change. University of Cincinnati

Changes in climate during the Stone Age forced our ancestors to develop new technologies, say scientists. planet Earth

National Museum unveils haul of ‘looted’ artefacts. The Irish Times

Bahrain digs unveil one of oldest civilisations. BBC

Australia: Archaeological Dig to Uncover Old Southport Sea Wall. Dredging Today

Coins key to rewriting the history of Australia. The New-Zealand Herald

Remains of Nubian soldier who lived 1,400 years ago found in Egypt. La Prensa

Isle of Iona may be ancient burial site. Scotsman

The peak period for baby-making sex in ancient Egypt was in July and August, when the weather was at its hottest. Yahoo News

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