Fire was key to prehistoric survival in arid Southwest. Past Horizons

First evidence for Julius Caesar's invasion of Britain discovered. Eurekalert

UK archaeologists unearth “nationally important” collection of Iron Age artifacts. ZME Science

Ice Age children toys to be discovered. Griffith University 
Peru’s abundant ruins feel the squeeze of urbanization. Sante Fe New Mexican
Mysterious Indus Valley Civilisation managed to thrive without a river to provide flowing water 5,300 years ago. Mail Online
Discovery of 7000-year-old Egyptian city could shed light on Nile Valley's earliest civilisations. International Business Times
Statue of Hygieia and Eros uncovered in southern Turkey. Daily Sabah
Ancient Roman shipwrecks, stunning artifacts, discovered near Egyptian port. Fox News 
Digital exploration of the Sculptor’s Cave. Current Archaeology
Lost medieval village discovered in Denmark. The Local 
Why Ancient Mapmakers Were Terrified of Blank Spaces. National Geographic

Denmark’s first Viking king printed in 3D. Science Nordic

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